At New Wells we truly find joy in what God is doing in your life, your family, and your ministry. Our hope is that we all stay refreshed with the joy that comes from selflessly pursuing Jesus together.
We all know that ministry can be difficult. New Wells Ministry Network was established for the purpose of staying refreshed as ministry leaders. We know we get that refreshing from God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives, but we forget about how much we receive that refreshing from one another. God actually set it up to work that way!
The joy in serving Jesus doesn’t just come from seeing him at work in our own lives, our joy is made complete when we see him at work in one another’s lives. When we network, we’re more aware of that, and when we network, we have greater opportunities to experience that. We hope this is your experience as well.
-New Wells Leadership Team
John 4:14 NASB
Romans 15:32 NKJV
2 Corinthians 4:16 NLT
We are made new and renewed when we are refreshed.
In ministry we get to share the living water and need to be refreshed by that same living water ourselves. 'New Wells' exists to help refresh ministries and ministry leaders. We accomplish this through establishing life-giving individual relationships with leaders, by connecting with those leaders at the annual leadership gathering, and with personal connections. We can also accomplish through shared resources.
Genesis 26:15 NLT
Genesis 26:18 NLT
Communities are made new and renewed when spiritual wells are reopened and kept open.
Churches represent a spiritual well that God has placed in cities and towns through our state, the nation, and our world. It is vitally imprtant that we work to open, keep open, and reopen wells in these communities. Churches are closing their doors in America at an unprecedented rate. God has given the leadership of New Wells a vision to keep as many of them opened as possible.
Isaiah 61:4 NASB
Acts 15:16 NLT
We are made new and renewed when we build bridges of trust that can handle the weight of truth.
This happens through the bridge building opportunities that take place between ethnicities, generations, denominations, ministry networks, as well as personal relationships. Our world is divided and polarized in so many ways. Bridge building provides the opportunity to understand, and to be understood. It serves as a great way to strengthen ministries that are weak in areas, and to rebuild these areas to their original purpose.
Psalm 51:10 NLT
Luke 14:34 ESV
We are made new and renewed when we are restored.
Leading in ministry is a tremendous privilege that can also be very demanding. There are times when some ministry leaders reach a place of disillusionment and burnout, which can lead to giving up. Our goal is to assist and restore leaders who find themselves in these places, and to keep them from getting into these places. We desire to restore them to the places where God desires for them to be.
For any inquiries, please call 515-243-2852 or fill out the contact form!
Contact Us
Head Office
3114 SW 61st Street
Des Moines IA 50321
Tel: 515-243-2852